- bagyo::bagyoPhilippine Tropical Cyclones Data
- bbw::indicatorsCH1Child Morbidity, Health Service Coverage, Anthropometry
- bbw::indicatorsCH2Infant and Child Feeding Index
- bbw::indicatorsHHMother Indicators Dataset
- bbw::villageDataCluster Population Weights Dataset
- codeditr::cod_data_raw_exampleExample raw cause-of-death dataset
- codeditr::icd10_cod_by_sexSex-specific causes of death for ICD 10
- codeditr::icd10_cod_childChild-specific cause-of-death for ICD 10
- codeditr::icd10_cod_neonateNeonate-specific cause-of-death for ICD 10
- codeditr::icd10_exampleExample death records dataset with ICD10 cause-of-death coding
- codeditr::icd10_unlikely_codUnlikely causes of death for ICD 10
- codeditr::icd11_cod_by_sexSex-specific causes of death for ICD 11
- codeditr::icd11_cod_childChild-specific cause-of-death for ICD 11
- codeditr::icd11_cod_neonateNeonate-specific cause-of-death for ICD 11
- codeditr::icd11_exampleExample death records dataset with ICD11 cause-of-death coding
- codeditr::icd11_unlikely_codUnlikely causes of death for ICD 11
- codigo::eleven_map_to_one_tenICD 11 code or categories mapped to one ICD 10 category
- codigo::icd11_linearization_mmsICD-11 Mortality and Morbidity Linearization Outputs
- codigo::icd11_simple_table_mmsICD-11 Mortality and Morbidity Simple Table Outputs
- codigo::icd_versionsTable of supported classifications and versions by the ICD API
- codigo::ten_map_to_multiple_elevenICD 10 code or categories mapped to multiple ICD 11 categories
- codigo::ten_map_to_one_elevenICD 10 code or categories mapped to one ICD 11 category
- ennet::ennet_dailiesDaily extracts of topics dataset from en-net online forum
- ennet::ennet_hourliesHourly extracts of topics dataset from en-net online forum
- ennet::ennet_themesThemes from en-net forum retrieved on 17 January 2021
- ennet::ennet_topicsTopics from en-net forum retrieved on 17 January 2021
- intergrowth::ac_gestage_centileInternational fetal growth standards: table of centiles of abdominal circumference based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::ac_gestage_sdInternational fetal growth standards: table of z-scores of abdominal circumference based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::bl_gestage_pt_centileInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of centiles for birth length-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::bl_gestage_pt_sdInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of z-score for birth length-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::bl_gestage_term_centileInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of centiles for birth length-for-gestational age for infants
- intergrowth::bl_gestage_term_sdInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of z-score for birth length-for-gestational age for infants
- intergrowth::bpd_gestage_centileInternational fetal growth standards: table of centiles of bi-parietal diameter based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::bpd_gestage_sdInternational fetal growth standards: table of z-scores of bi-parietal diameter based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::bw_gestage_pt_centileInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of centiles for birthweight-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::bw_gestage_pt_sdInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of z-score for birthweight-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::bw_gestage_term_centileInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of centiles for birthweight-for-gestational age for infants
- intergrowth::bw_gestage_term_sdInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of z-score for birthweight-for-gestational age for infants
- intergrowth::crl_gestage_centileInternational fetal size standards in early pregnancy: table of centiles of crown-rump length based on gestation age in weeks and days
- intergrowth::crl_gestage_sdInternational fetal size standards in early pregnancy: table of z-scores of crown-rump length based on gestation age in weeks and days
- intergrowth::efw_gestage_centileInternational fetal growth standards: table of centiles of estimated fetal weight based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::efw_gestage_sdInternational fetal growth standards: table of z-scores of estimated fetal weight based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::fl_gestage_centileInternational fetal growth standards: table of centiles of femur length based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::fl_gestage_sdInternational fetal growth standards: table of z-scores of femur length based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::gestage_crlInternational dating standards in early pregnancy: table of centiles of gestational age in weeks and days based on crown-rump length in millimetres
- intergrowth::gwg_gestage_centileInternational gestational weight gain standards: table of centiles of gestational weight gain for women with normal body mass index based on gestational age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::gwg_gestage_sdInternational gestational weight gain standards: table of z-scores of gestational weight gain for women with normal body mass index based on gestational age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::hc_gestage_centileInternational fetal growth standards: table of centiles of head circumference based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::hc_gestage_pt_centileInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of centiles for head circumference-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::hc_gestage_pt_sdInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of z-score for head circumference-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::hc_gestage_sdInternational fetal growth standards: table of z-scores of head circumference based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::hc_gestage_term_centileInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of centiles for head circumference-for-gestational age for infants
- intergrowth::hc_gestage_term_sdInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of z-score for head circumference-for-gestational age for infants
- intergrowth::ofd_gestage_centileInternational fetal growth standards: table of centiles of occipito-frontal diameter based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::ofd_gestage_sdInternational fetal growth standards: table of z-scores of occipito-frontal diameter based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::sfh_gestage_centileInternational symphysis-fundal height standards: table of centiles of symphysis-fundal height based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::sfh_gestage_sdInternational symphysis-fundal height standards: table of z-scores of symphysis-fundal height based on gestation age in exact weeks
- intergrowth::wlr_gestage_pt_centileInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of centiles for weight-length ratio-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::wlr_gestage_pt_sdInternational Newborn Size References for Very Preterm Infants: table of z-score for weight-length ratio-for-gestational age for very preterm infants
- intergrowth::wlr_gestage_term_centileInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of centiles for weight-length ratio-for-gestational age for infants
- intergrowth::wlr_gestage_term_sdInternational Newborn Size Standards: table of z-score for weight-length ratio-for-gestational age for infants
- katilingban::kb_experienceKatilingban consultants' experience list
- liberia::clansclans
- liberia::countiescounties
- liberia::districtsdistricts
- liberia::enumerationAreaenumerationArea
- liberia::grandBassaEAgrandBassaEA
- liberia::greaterMonroviaEAgreaterMonroviaEA
- liberia::localitylocality
- liberia::monroviamonrovia
- liberia::settlementssettlements
- micronutr::mnDataMicronutrient survey data
- mozambique::pplMozambique populated places locations
- mozambique::settlementsMozambique settlements locations
- nipnTK::ah.ex01Example dataset for age heaping function
- nipnTK::as.ex01Example dataset for age and sex distributions function
- nipnTK::as.ex02Example dataset for age and sex distributions function
- nipnTK::dist.ex01Example dataset for distributions of variables and indices
- nipnTK::dp.ex01Example dataset for digit preference function
- nipnTK::dp.ex02Example dataset for digit preference function
- nipnTK::dp.ex03Example dataset for digit preference
- nipnTK::flag.ex01Example dataset for identifying outliers using flags
- nipnTK::flag.ex02Example dataset for identifying outliers using flags
- nipnTK::flag.ex03Example dataset for identifying outliers using flags
- nipnTK::rl.ex01Example dataset for checking ranges and legal values
- nipnTK::sp.ex01Example dataset for using scatterplots to identify outliers
- nipnTK::sp.ex02Example dataset for using scatterplots to identify outliers
- odkr::sampleData1Sample dataset from an impact evaluation study of a mother and child nutrition programme in Kassala State, Sudan. This dataset contains cluster level data from the survey.
- odkr::sampleData2Sample dataset from an impact evaluation study of a mother and child nutrition programme in Kassala State, Sudan. This dataset contains information from mother respondents.
- odkr::sampleData3Sample dataset from an impact evaluation study of a mother and child nutrition programme in Kassala State, Sudan. This dataset contains information from child respondents.
- oldr::indicators.ALLRAM-OP Indicators Dataset - ALL
- oldr::indicators.FEMALESRAM-OP Indicators Dataset - FEMALES
- oldr::indicators.MALESRAM-OP Indicators Dataset - MALES
- oldr::testPSURAM-OP Population Dataset
- oldr::testSVYRAM-OP Survey Dataset
- openmarawi::marawi_maps_listList of available map files in the Open Marawi Google Drive
- oxcgrt::codebookCodebook for the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker
- oxcgrt::indicatorDataExample indicator data for sub-index calculations
- oxcgrt::oxcgrt_data_filesTable of OxCGRT dataset files available from OxCGRT GitHub data repositories
- oxthema::nut_survey_mapExample map data for showing map plotting with Oxford colours
- oxthema::oxford_coloursOxford colours based on University of Oxford's visual identity guidelines
- pactr::pact_mpox_priorityPandemic PACT Mpox Priorities
- pactr::pact_research_categoryPandemic PACT Research Categories
- pactr::who_country_infoWorld Health Organization (WHO) Country Information
- paleta::paleta_coloursColours based on visual identity guidelines of various organisations
- ppitables::ppiAFG2012Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Afghanistan
- ppitables::ppiAGO2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Angola
- ppitables::ppiBEN2012Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Benin
- ppitables::ppiBEN2022_11qPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Benin for 2022 for 11 questions score card
- ppitables::ppiBEN2022_6qPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Benin for 2022 for 6 questions score card
- ppitables::ppiBFA2011Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Burkina Faso
- ppitables::ppiBFA2014Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Burkina Faso
- ppitables::ppiBFA2017Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Burkina Faso
- ppitables::ppiBFA2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Burkina Faso for 2023
- ppitables::ppiBGD2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Bangladesh
- ppitables::ppiBOL2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Bolivia
- ppitables::ppiBOL2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Bolivia for 2023
- ppitables::ppiBRA2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Brazil
- ppitables::ppiCIV2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ivory Coast
- ppitables::ppiCIV2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ivory Coast
- ppitables::ppiCMR2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Cameroon
- ppitables::ppiCOL2012Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Colombia
- ppitables::ppiCOL2012_aPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Colombia
- ppitables::ppiCOL2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Colombia
- ppitables::ppiDOM2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Dominican Republic
- ppitables::ppiDOM2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Dominican Republic
- ppitables::ppiECU2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ecuador
- ppitables::ppiECU2022Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ecuador for 2022
- ppitables::ppiEGY2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Egypt
- ppitables::ppiETH2016Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ethiopia
- ppitables::ppiETH2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ethiopia for 2023
- ppitables::ppiFJI2014Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Fiji
- ppitables::ppiGHA2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ghana based on legacy definitions
- ppitables::ppiGHA2015_aPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ghana using poverty definitions deflated with Ghana's CPI
- ppitables::ppiGHA2015_bPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ghana using poverty definitions deflated with the change in 100% of national poverty line
- ppitables::ppiGHA2019Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Ghana
- ppitables::ppiGTM2016Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Guatemala
- ppitables::ppiGTM2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Guatemala for 2023
- ppitables::ppiHND2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Honduras
- ppitables::ppiHND2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Honduras for 2023
- ppitables::ppiHTI2016Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Haiti
- ppitables::ppiIDN2012Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Indonesia using legacy poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiIDN2012_aPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Indonesia using new poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiIDN2020Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Indonesia
- ppitables::ppiIDN2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Indonesia for 2023
- ppitables::ppiIND2016_r59Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for India using r59 poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiIND2016_r62Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for India using r62 poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiIND2016_r66Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for India using r66 poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiIND2016_r68Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for India using r68 poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiJOR2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Jordan
- ppitables::ppiKEN2011Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Kenya
- ppitables::ppiKEN2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Kenya
- ppitables::ppiKGZ2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Kyrgyzstan
- ppitables::ppiKHM2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Cambodia
- ppitables::ppiKHM2015_govPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Cambodia
- ppitables::ppiKHM2015_wbPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Cambodia
- ppitables::ppiKHM2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Cambodia for 2023
- ppitables::ppiLKA2016Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Sri Lanka
- ppitables::ppiMAR2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Morocco
- ppitables::ppiMDG2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Madagascar
- ppitables::ppiMEX2017Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Mexico using legacy definitions
- ppitables::ppiMEX2017_aPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Mexico using new poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiMLI2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Mali
- ppitables::ppiMMR2012Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Myanmar
- ppitables::ppiMMR2019Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Myanmar
- ppitables::ppiMNG2016Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Mongolia
- ppitables::ppiMOZ2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Mozambique
- ppitables::ppiMOZ2019Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Mozambique
- ppitables::ppiMWI2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Malawi using legacy poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiMWI2015_govPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Malawi using government poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiMWI2015_pbmPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Malawi using PBM poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiMWI2020Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Malawi
- ppitables::ppiMWI2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Malawi for 2023
- ppitables::ppiNAM2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Namibia
- ppitables::ppiNER2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Niger
- ppitables::ppiNGA2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Nigeria
- ppitables::ppiNIC2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Nicaragua
- ppitables::ppiNPL2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Nepal using legacy poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiNPL2013_aPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Nepal using new poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiPAK2009Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Pakistan
- ppitables::ppiPER2012Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Peru
- ppitables::ppiPER2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Peru
- ppitables::ppiPHL2014Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Philippines using legacy poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiPHL2014_aPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Philippines using new poverty definitions
- ppitables::ppiPHL2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Philippines
- ppitables::ppiPHL2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Philippines for 2023
- ppitables::ppiPNG2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Papua New Guinea 2023
- ppitables::ppiPRY2012Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Paraguay
- ppitables::ppiPSE2014Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Palestine
- ppitables::ppiROU2009Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Romania
- ppitables::ppiRUS2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Russia
- ppitables::ppiRWA2016Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Rwanda
- ppitables::ppiRWA2019Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Rwanda
- ppitables::ppiSEN2009Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Senegal
- ppitables::ppiSEN2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Senegal
- ppitables::ppiSLE2011Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Sierra Leone
- ppitables::ppiSLV2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for El Salvador
- ppitables::ppiSLV2021Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for El Salvador for 2021
- ppitables::ppiSYR2010Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Syria
- ppitables::ppiTGO2018Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Togo
- ppitables::ppiTGO2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Togo for 2023
- ppitables::ppiTJK2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Tajikistan
- ppitables::ppiTLS2013Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Timor Leste
- ppitables::ppiTZA2016Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Tanzania
- ppitables::ppiTZA2022Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Tanzania 2022
- ppitables::ppiUGA2015Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Uganda
- ppitables::ppiUGA2022Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Uganda 2022
- ppitables::ppiVNM2009Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Vietnam
- ppitables::ppiVNM2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Vietnam for 2023
- ppitables::ppiYEM2009Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Yemen
- ppitables::ppiZAF2009Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for South Africa
- ppitables::ppiZAF2023Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for South Africa for 2023
- ppitables::ppiZMB2013_csoPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Zambia
- ppitables::ppiZMB2013_gotPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Zambia
- ppitables::ppiZMB2017Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Zambia
- ppitables::ppiZMB2017_aPoverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Zambia
- sleacr::survey_dataSLEAC survey data from Sierra Leone
- sleacr::village_listList of villages in Bo District, Sierra Leone
- squeacr::monitoringRoutine CMAM monitoring data from Sudan
- squeacr::muac_admissionMUAC at admission
- squeacr::muac_admission_tidyMUAC at admission in tidy format
- squeacr::otp_beneficiariesOutpatient Therapeutic Care Programme (OTP) beneficiaries data
- squeacr::seasonal_calendarSeasonal calendar data for Sudan
- squeacr::time_to_travelTime-to-travel to health facilities for beneficiaries and volunteers
- washdata::indicatorsDataBGDWASH Survey Indicators Data for Dhaka, Bangladesh
- washdata::popBGDPopulation Data for Dhaka, Bangladesh
- washdata::ppiMatrixBGDPPI Look-up Table for Bangladesh
- washdata::surveyDataBGDWASH Survey Raw Data for Dhaka, Bangladesh
- zscorer::anthro1Anthropometric data from a SMART survey in Kabul, Afghanistan.
- zscorer::anthro2Anthropometric data from a single state from a Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) of a West African country.
- zscorer::anthro3Anthropometric data from a Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) survey from Burundi.
- zscorer::anthro4A subset of mid-upper arm circumference data from study conducted to create MUAC-for-age z-scores
- zscorer::nhanesA subset of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- zscorer::wgsDataWorld Health Organization (WHO) Growth Reference (2006) data